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Single Origin Coffee Single Origin Coffee

Single Origin Coffee

Single Origin coffees hail from a single location: A country, a region, or even an individual farm!

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About our Single Origin Coffees

Our Single Origin Coffees are products that hail from a single place. The level of specificity for that place can vary, but at the very least these coffees are from a single country. Often they are from individual growing regions, growing communities within a region, or sometimes even all the way down to a single farm!

Single Origin Coffees allow you to experience the vast complexity of flavors contained within the world of high-grade Specialty Coffee. The factors that impact the flavor of a coffee before they even appear at the doorstep of our roasting facility is mind-boggling. Tree types, elevation of the farms, soil types & conditions, climate zone, shade-grown trees vs. full-sun grown, the weather in any particular growing/harvest season, farming practices during growing season, picking practices during harvest season, processing and sorting methods after harvest, and on and on and on. With all this complexity, and all the many different places coffee is grown in tropical climates around the world, you quickly start to see that the “Flavor Journey” when it comes to Specialty Coffee isn’t about the destination, but about the journey itself. Recent scientific research on coffee even indicates that the total possible flavors and combinations of flavors present in coffee far outweigh that of wine!

Here at Ross Street Roasting Co., we actually started out as a “single origin only” business, so Roaster Brian’s heart is deeply invested in the flavor journey of honing his roasting techniques on the new and different Single Origin Coffees that we regularly rotate in and out. But through our 2 Direct Trade partners, we also offer permanent/year-round options like our Nicaragua Divine Inspiration and Papua New Guinea Kula Peaberry coffees. So whether you want to “taste the rainbow” with the rotating list of limited release Single Origins, or develop a new favorite with our two year-round options, you won’t be found lacking for options in this product segment.

In 2018, one of our Direct Trade, Single Origin Coffees won two medals in the national Golden Bean North American roasters competition. A Pacamara Natural Process micro-lot (very limited quantity) produced by 3 farmers in the Jinotega region of Nicaragua, we tasted this coffee on the table while visiting Nicaragua right after harvest and knew we needed to have 1 sack of it (about 150 lbs). It was an extravagant purchase for an extravagant coffee, but it paid off in the end as we were able to win judges and customers over with the exceptional growing, harvesting, and processing of this “extra special” coffee. We intend to make additional purchases and high-end products like that available in the future, so keep an eye out!

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